How to CARVE Telemark Turns - Using Your Shoulders - TIP #2

How to carve telemark turns takes a lot of practice but with these tips in part 2/4 you will improve especially on hard packed snow or icy conditions.

Telemark technic starts with a good lead change and this is the case with my telemark tip #2.

In this series of telemark videos, I’m going to give you my best tips to improve your carving.
So that you can go from a intermidiate parrallel telemark turn to an advanced carved turn.

This tip is all about using your upper body to load the front foot.

By loading most of your weight on the front foot, we are making sure that we have the most pressure on this outside ski.
And the best way to do this is to use your shoulders to create some opposition.

Excercise mentioned in the video: Elvis Style Telemark

In the 7 flaws of telemark, I talk about edge pressure in flaw #6.

If you want to learn how to telemark I have a full tutorial series available here:

The way to load the front ski into the turn is the number one problem I see people make. You need to put more than 70% of your weight on that front leg right from the start of the turn.

On alpine skis, they will sometimes put 100% of the weight on their outside ski. On telemark, because of the telemark squat, we can't do that. But overloading the front ski will really make the ski edge bite into hard packed snow.


To do this, practise your lead change bMoving you chin over your outside ski on a low incline slope, such as a cat track or a VERY easy green run. As soon as the lead change happens, load the front ski by moving your shoulders over your outside ski. You will feel how strongly the ski wants to bite into the snow and how strongly it wants to carve.

Having hands too low at the end of the turn. I give plenty of exercises to practice how to use your hands from a quiet upper body to a dynamic hand movement, bringing your hand up high in front of you at the end of the turn.
These hand movements and upper body stability will really help with the position of your shoulders throught out the telemark turn.

Telemark skiing is a downhill skiing technique with a binding that allows for the heel to lift of the ski.

There's many king of equipmenent.

I use NTN equipment and 75mm equipment.

In this clip, Crispi Evo WC Boot
Meidjo bindings
22design AXL
Rottofella Freeride bindings
Black Diamond skis

If you want to learn how to telemark I have a full tutorial series available here:

To support my dedication to telemark, you can become a patreon here: "

telemark technique telemark

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